Recommended but not reviewed or featured books are here.
This section contains separate index lists for
- Graphic Novels
- Novels and anthologies
- reference materials
- bonus reviews connected to a movie review
- classic literature, and
- interesting Shorts
Please scroll down for the various sections.
Graphic novel reviews
#DRCL midnight children, Vol. 1
#DRCL midnight children, Vol. 2
#DRCL midnight children, Vol. 3
30 Days of Night
30 Days of Night (2018)
30 Days of Night: 30 Days 'til Death
30 Days of Night: The Beginning of the End Volume 1
30 Days of Night: Beyond Barrow
30 Days of Night: Blood-Stained Looking Glass (volume 2)
30 Days of Night: Bloodsucker Tales
30 Days of Night: Eben & Stella
30 Days of Night: Red Snow
30 Days of Night: Return to Barrow
30 Days of Night: Run, Alice, Run (volume 3)
30 Days of Night: Spreading the Disease
30 Days of Night: Three Tales
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night vol 1
Alberto Breccia's Dracula
American Vampire Vol.1
American Vampire Vol. 2 (Guest Blog)
Anno Dracula 1895: Seven Days in Mayhem
Bad Blood
Baltimore: The Plague Ships
Batman and the Mad Monk
Batman Nosferatu
Batman Vampire
Black Kiss
Black Kiss 2
Bleed Them Dry
Blood: a Tale
B.P.R.D. Vampire
Bram Stoker's Death Ship
Bram Stoker’s Dracula starring Bela Lugosi
Brothers Dracul: Volume 1 Blood of the Dragon
Carmilla: The First Vampire
The Complete Bite Club
Confessions of a Teenage Vampire: The Turning
Criminal Macabre: Final Night - The 30 Days of Night Crossover
Cult of Dracula
CVO: African Blood
CVO: Rogue State
Damn Nation
Dampyr: Devil's Son
Dampyr Vol. 2: Night Tribe
Dark Days
Dark Ivory: Book 1 - Blue Blood
DC vs Vampires
DC Vs Vampires Vol 2
DC Vs Vampires: All Out War Part 1
DC Vs Vampires: All Out War Part 2
Deadpool: Dracula's Gauntlet
Dead Romeo
the Death of Dracula
Decades - Marvel in the 70s: Legion of Monsters
Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Dracula: A Symphony in Moonlight & Nightmares
Dracula – classics illustrated edition
The Dracula File
Dracula, Motherf**ker!
Durham Red: The Scarlet Cantos
Empire of the Dead Act 1
Empire of the Dead Act 2
Empire of the Dead Act 3
The Extinction Parade Volume 1
The Extinction Parade Volume 2: War
Fevre Dream
Fiends of the Eastern Front
From the Pages of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula': Harker
FVZA: Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency
Greenberg the Vampire
Grimm Fairy Tales: Unleashed: Volume 1
Herd #1
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Monster Squad
I... Vampire
I, Vampire - volume 1 - tainted love
I, Vampire - volume 2 - Rise of the Vampires
I, Vampire - volume 3 - Wave of Mutilation
Killadelphia Volume 1: Sins of the Father
Killadelphia Volume 2: Burn Baby Burn
Killadelphia, Volume 3: Home is Where the Hatred Is
Killadelphia, Volume 4: The End of All
Let Me In: Crossroads
Life Sucks
Loaded Bible Book 1
Lost Boys - Reign of Frogs
Manga Classics: Dracula
Morbius: The Living Vampire: The Man Called Morbius
Mr Higgins Comes Home
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos
The Night Club
the Night Projectionist
Nosferatu (2017)
Nosferatu (Cinecrypt Adaptation)
Nosferatu: Plague of Terrors
Nosferatu The Untold Origin
Pinocchio Vampire Slayer
Pinocchio Vampire Slayer and the Great Puppet Theatre
The Poe Clan vol. 1
Preacher: Book 1: Gone to Texas
Realm of the Damned: Tenebris Deos
Redneck Volume 1 – Deep in the Heart
Renfield: A Tale of Madness
Sea of Red Vol. 1: No Grave but the Sea
Shock Value: Legacy Anthology
Sick in the Head
Snow, Glass, Apples
Stoker's Dracula
The Strain - volume 1
Superman and Batman Vs. Vampires and Werewolves
Sword of Dracula
Tabi Po - volume 1
Tabi Po - volume 2
These Savage Shores Vol. 1
The Tomb of Dracula - vol 1
The Tomb of Dracula - vol 2
The Tomb of Dracula - vol 3
Universal Monsters: Dracula
Transfusion: Vampires Versus Robots
Vampire Boy
Vampire Tales Vol 1
Vampire Tales Vol 2
Vampire Tales Vol 3
Vamps: The Complete Collection
Victorian Undead II: Sherlock Holmes vs Dracula
V-Wars Volume 1: Crimson Queen
V-Wars Volume 2: All of us Monsters
When I Arrived at the Castle
The Witcher: A Grain of Truth
Novels, poetry and anthologies
13 Bullets
23 Hours
30 Days of Night (Novelisation)
30 Days of Night: Eternal Damnation
30 Days of Night: Immortal Remains
30 Days of Night: Rumours of the Undead
32 fangs
99 Coffins
Abduction of Two Rulers
A Cleansing of the Blood: An Anton the Undying Story Collection
Addicted to Murder: The Sequels
A Discovery of Witches
A Fistful of Charms
A Fury
A Love like Blood
Already Dead
AMYM: The Mamluk Who Defied Death
Ancient Blood: A Novel of the Hegemony (the Order Saga) (Volume 1)
Ancient Blood: The Amazon (The Chronicles of Vamazonia)
and Falling, fly
A Night in the Lonesome October
the Angels of Islington
Anguish of the Sapiens Queen
Anno Dracula: Johnny Alucard
Anno Dracula: One Thousand Monsters
An Unattractive Vampire
The Ape: Dracula of the Apes Book 2
The Awakening
A Walk in the Sun (hosted at Vamped)
the Bad Sister
Baltimore, or, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire
Before the Sun Rises
Being Human: Bad Blood
Being Human: Chasers
Being Human: The Road
Belle Notte
The Bend (Dime Novel Dreadfuls #1)
the Blackest Plague: Revenge Cometh
Blood & Sand: The First Book of Rue
Blood+ 01 - First Kiss
Blood Dragons (Hosted at Vamped)
Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1
Blood for the Living (Guest Blog)
Blood Groove
Blood Herring
Blood Machines
Blood Noir
Blood of my World (vol 1-3)
the Blood of Roses
Blood of the Dragon: The Journals of Vlad Draculya the Impaler
The Blood Opera Sequence
Blood Red
Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zweiback book 2
Blood Renegade
Blood Renegades (Hosted at Vamped)
Blood Shackles (Hosted at Vamped)
Bloodsucking Fiends
Bloody Irish: Celtic Vampire Legends
Blue Bloods
The Book of Renfield
The Book with No Name
Breaking Dawn
The Brides of Dracula: The Legends of Dracula book 2
Bride of the Midnight King: A Grimm Blood Tale
Burying the Shadow
Carmilla: A Critical Edition
Carmilla and Laura
Changeling - Dark Moon
Child of a Dead God
Child of the Night (Power of the Blood World Book 1)
Cinderella and Bluebeard
the City of Mirrors
Civil Blood: The Vampire Rights Case that Changed a Nation
the Clockwork Vampire Chronicles
Code Blood
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
Come to my Brother
Countess Dracula
Count Rothchild (A Vampire Tale): A Gothic Fantasy Novel (Gothic Legends Book 1)
The Crimson Corset
The Curse: Dracula of the Apes book 3
Dance on Fire
Danse Macabre
The Dark Dawn
The Dark Descent
Dark Desire
The Darkness of Love
Darkness on the Horizon
Dark Reflections
The Dark Terror
The Dark Truth (Hosted at Vamped)
Dawn in Damnation Hosted at Vamped
Dead as a Doornail
Dead Indian Wars
Dead Spots
the Demeter Diaries
Demon Under Glass
The Devil's Bed
The Devouring: Kavachi's Rise
Diary of a Wimpy Vampire
Diary of a Wimpy Vampire 2: Prince of Dorkness
Doctors Wear Scarlet
Doctor Who and the State of Decay
Dolly Biters!: The Vampire Girls of Victorian London
Dracul (Hosted at Vamped)
(Luis Scafati’s) Dracula
Dracula Arisen: The Legend of Dracula book 3
Dracula Chronicles: Bound by Blood Volume 2
Dracula: His First Centuries: The Legend of Dracula, Book I
Dracula: His Women: The Legend of Dracula, Book II
Dracula: Into the Mouth of Death: The Legend of Dracula Book 4
The Dracula Papers – Book 1: The Scholar’s Tale
Dracula: Plots & Schemes: The Legend of Dracula Book III
Dracula Rekindled
Dracula's Child
Dracula's Demeter
Dracula’sGuest: A Connoisseur’s Collection of Victorian Vampire Stories
The Dracula Tape
Dracula: The Un-Dead
Drawing Dead a Faolan O' Connor Novel, Book 1
The Duchess de Nuit: A Tale of Lust and Blood (hosted at Vamped)
Dunraven Road
Dying Light
Eldren: The Book of the Dark
Emilie Avatar
Emilie Undead
Empire of the Vampire
Empire V: the Prince of Hamlet
Entering Hell part 1
Eternal Vigilance: From Deep Within the Earth
Eternal Vigilance 2: The Death of Illusions
Eternal Vigilance 3: Bound in Blood
Eventide: Lost in Darkness
Every Last Drop
The Eye of the Moon
The Fall
Fang Face
Fat Vampire
Fear the Light: Who Murdered Dracula?
Fiends of the Eastern Front
Fifty Percent Vampire
Fiona's Guardians
The First Vampire (hosted at vamped)
For a Few Demons More
Forever Knight: a Stirring of Dust
The Fourth Bride
Gabriele Caccini
Gangpire 2
The Gilda Stories
The Golden
Gossamer - a Tale of Love and Tragedy
The Greyfriar (Vampire Empire book 1)
Half the Blood of Brooklyn
The Harlequin
Harry Dickson: The Heir of Dracula
Heart of the Deep Cave: and Other Romantic Vampire Tales
Hide me Amongst the Graves
High Stakes
Hotel Transylvania
House of Shadows
The House on Blackstone Moor
The Hunger and Ecstacy of Vampires
I, Bathory, Queen of Blood
Immortal Gifts
infinite days
In the Blood
I, Vampire
The Journal of Edwin Underhill
Ken Russell's Dracula
Key to Conflict
The Kingmakers (Vampire Empire book 3)
Kiss of the Butterfly
Kissed by Darkness
Kissed by Fire
Kiss of Life
Knights of the Darkness
The Last Breath Before Death
The Last Days
The Last Watch
The Last Wish
The Lempire's Lament(hosted at vamped)
Lempire. The Beginning (The Lempire Book 2) (hosted at vamped)
Let the Right One In
The Little Book of Horror: Dracula
Little Orphan Vampires
Live Girls
London After Midnight
Looking for Something to Suck: The Vampire Stories of R. Chetwynd-Hayes
Lord Ruthven Begins
Lord Ruthven the Vampire
The Lost
Love in Ruins
Love Lies Bleeding
Lucy Undying: A Dracula Novel
Manitou Blood
Many Bloody Returns
the Masks of Monsters
the Matriarch
The Matriarch: Guardians
The Matriarch: Changeling
Me and the Devil
Mercy: the Last New England Vampire
the Midnight Circle
Mina: the Dracula story continues
The Monster Club
Moon Over Soho
The Moth Diaries
The Mouth is a Coven
Mr Darcy, Vampyre
Mr Stoker and the Vampires of the Lyceum
My Dead Body
The Name of Fear Collection: Tales of Anton the Undying
Never Bite a Boy on a First Date
the New Annotated Dracula
the New Doctor Who Adventures: Blood Harvest
New Moon
Night Life
Night Walker
The Night Watch
the Night Eternal
Night's Black Agents
Nightwolves Coalition
No Dominion
Nosferatu: Adapted from the Screenplay by Henrik Galeen
Nosferatu - the Vampyre
The Nymphos of Rocky Flats
NYV: Goth
NYV - Punk (Hosted at Vamped)
Occupation (Book I in the Occupation Series)
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
One Blood
One Death at a Time (hosted at Vamped)
Oscar Wilde and the Vampire Murders
The Pallbearer's Club
Parasite Positive
Paris Immortal
The Passage
Past Sins
Path to the Key (Destruction of Magic) (Book 1)
Peacocks, Pedestals, and Prayers
Prince Lestat (hosted at Vamped)
The Pumpkin Seed
Queen of Kings
The Quick
the Radleys
Rebel Fay
Renfield: Slave of Dracula
the Rest Falls Away
the Return of Lord Ruthven
The Revenants
Revenge of the Vampir King (Thrones of Blood Book 1) (Hosted at Vamped)
the Rift Walker (Vampire Empire - Book 2)
The Rivals of Dracula (1977)
Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines
The Route of Ice and Salt
Rulers of Darkness
Sabotage: Book 2 in the Occupation Series
Sacrifice of the Hybrid Princess (Hosted at Vamped)
Samson's Lovely Mortal
The Sanguinarian Id
Savagery of the Rebel King
Scent and Shadow
The Silver Dagger: The Vampires of Crimson Cove Book 2
The Silver Kiss
The Sixth Watch
Skinners Book 1: Blood Blade
Skinners Book 2: Howling Legion
Skin Trade
Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing With Fire
Some of your Blood
The Space Vampires
Stalk Kill Travel Stalk Kill
Stoker: Evolution of a Vampire
Stolen Night
The Strain
The Stress of her Regard
Sudden Death Overtime
Swan Song
The Tale of the Vampire Rabbit
These Hellish Happenings
They Hunger
the Third Section
Thirteen Years Later
Trail of Dead
Traitor to the Blood
The True Story of Hansel and Gretel
The Twelve
The Twilight Watch
Twins of Evil
The Un-Dead
The Undead (Betsy Taylor series) Vol 1-4
Undead and Unpopular
Unholy Testament - Full Circle
Unholy Testament - the Beginnings
The Undying
The Urn: Dracula of the Apes book 1
Vampirates: Demons of the ocean
Vampirates: Tide of Terror
The Vampire (2015) (hosted at Vamped)
the Vampire Almanac - volume 1
the Vampire Almanac - volume 2
Vampire: A Wild Story in Scraps and Colors
The Vampire Bible
Vampire Circus
The Vampire Count of Monte Cristo
The Vampire Gaytooth
Vampire Guitar
the Vampire Hunters
the Vampire Lord Ruthwen
The Vampire of Blackpool
The Vampire of Highgate
the Vampire of Ropraz
The Vampire of Vourla and Other Greek Vampire Tales, 1819-1846
Vampires – Encounters with the Undead
Vampires: First Blood – Volume 1: The Vampire Lords
Vampires: First Blood - Volume II: The Vampire Ladies
Vampires Inc.
Vampires of Avonmouth
The Vampires of Mars
Vampires: Romance to Rippers; an Anthology of Risqué Stories Vol. 1
Vampires: Romance to Rippers; an anthology of tasty stories Vol. 1
Vampires – Stories of the Supernatural
Vampire Stories
Vampire Wars (2008)
Vampire Wars (2014)
Vampire Zero
Vampyre: The Terrifying Lost Journal of Dr Cornelius Van Helsing
Vengeance Obtained
Verge (Hosted at Vamped)
The Vetala: A Novel of Undying Love
Vintage Vampire Stories
Vitaortus: Book 1 (Hosted at Vamped)
Vitaortus: Book 2 (Hosted at Vamped)
Vitaortus: Book 3 (Hosted at Vamped)
Vlada: A Dracula Tale
V-Wars: Blood & Fire: a Chronicle of the Vampire Wars
V-Wars: Night Terrors
V-Wars: Shockwaves
War of the Staffs
The Watchers Omnibus
Weird Vampire Tales
When the Tik-Tik Sings
Where Demons Dare
Whistling Past the Graveyard
Whitechapel Road: A Vampyre Tale (Guest Blog)
X-Rated Bloodsuckers
You’re a Vampire: That Sucks! A Survival Guide (hosted at Vamped)
Zoltan... Hound of Dracula
Reference Material
The Anatomy of Fear
The Aswang Complex in Philippine Folklore
Bite: A Vampire Handbook
Blood Read
Book of the Vampire
Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Gothic Stage
Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Cambridge Companion to Dracula
Celluloid Vampires
The Changing Vampire of Film and Television
Constructing Horror in Dracula: Novel, Stage & Screen
Dracula and Philosophy: Dying to Know
Dracula an International Perspective
Dracula Incarnate: Unearthing the Definitive Dracula
Dracula's Daughter
Draculas, Vampires and Other Undead Forms
Drafts of Dracula
Expressionism in the Cinema
Fascination: The Celluloid Dreams of Jean Rollin
Food for the Dead: On the Trail of New England’s Vampires
From Demons to Dracula
From the Stars...a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella's Classic Horror
Gender in the Vampire Narrative
Hospitality, Rape and Consent in Vampire Popular Culture
I am Legend as American Myth
In the Footsteps of Dracula: A Personal Journey and Travel Guide
Just a Bite: A Transylvania Vampire Expert's Short History of the Undead
Legends of Blood
Let the Right One In (Devil's Advocates)
The Living and the Undead: Slaying Vampires, Exterminating Zombies
The Living Dead: A Study of the Vampire in Romantic Literature
London after Midnight: The Lost Film (off site)
the Lure of the Vampire
Martin (Midnight Movie Monographs)
Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film: Cultural Transformations in Europe, 1732-1933
The Monster with a Thousand Faces
New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend (Hosted at Vamped)
New Vampire Cinema
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror - A Film by F. W. Murnau: A Shot-by-Shot Presentation
Nosferatu (BFI Film Classics)
The Nosferatu Story: The Seminal Horror, Its Predecessors and Its Enduring Legacy
On Vampires
Open graves, open minds
Palgrave's Handbook of the Vampire
The Poet and the Vampyre
Postmodern Vampires: Film, Fiction, and Popular Culture
Race in the Vampire Narrative
Reading the Vampire
Realm of the Vampire: History and the Undead
The Rise of the Vampire
The Romance of Dracula
The Science of Vampires
Space Monsters Issue 2
Stage Blood: Vampires of the 19th Century Stage
Strange Blood: 71 Essays on Offbeat and Underrated Vampire Movies
Sundays with Vlad
Telegraph for Garlic
The Theology of Dracula: Reading the Book of Stoker as Sacred Text
The Things that Fly in the Night: Female Vampires in Literature of the Circum-Caribbean and African Diaspora
Tod Browning's Dracula
Troublesome Corpses: Vampires & Revenants from Antiquity to the Present
Undead Apocalypse: Vampires and Zombies in the 21st Century
Undead Memory: Vampires and Human Memory in Popular Culture
The Universal Vampire: Origins and Evolution of a Legend
The Vampire: A Casebook
The Vampire: A New History
The Vampire Book
Vampire Cinema: The First One Hundred Years (off site)
The Vampire Defanged: How the Embodiment of Evil Became a Romantic Hero
The Vampire, Dracula and Incest: The Vampire Myth, Stoker's Dracula, and Psychotherapy of Vampiric Sexual Abuse
The Vampire Encyclopedia
Vampire Evolution: From Myth to Modern Day
The Vampire Film: From Nosferatu to True Blood Fourth Edition - Updated and Expanded
Vampire Films
Vampire Films of the 1970s: from Blacula to Dracula and Every Fang Between
Vampire Forensics
The Vampire in Folklore, History, Literature, Film and Television: A Comprehensive Bibliography (hosted at Vamped)
The Vampire in Science Fiction Film and Literature
The Vampire in Slavic Cultures
The Vampire Lectures
Vampire Lore
Vampires and Vampirism
Vampires Everywhere; the Rise of the Movie Undead
Vampires: from Dracula to Twilight – the Complete Guide to Vampire Mythology
Vampires in Italian Cinema, 1956-1975
Vampires of Lore: Traditional Tales and Modern Misconceptions
Vampires of New England
Vampires: The Final Hunt
Vampires Under the Hammer
Vampire Taxonomy
When Brave Men Shudder: The Scottish origins of Dracula
With Stake and Spade: Vampiric Diversity in Poland
Written in Blood: A Cultural History of the British Vampire
Bonus Reviews
Occasionally I may add a bonus review of an associated book to the end of a film review. The reason may be that the book doesn’t warrant a full review of its own, because most has been said in the film review, or because it just seems to work that way. The following links are to film reviews, with bonus book reviews at the end of the blog entry.
Dracula, novelisation of the 1992 film
The Second Hammer Horror Film Omnibus
Classic Literature
These are not actually reviews but are my thoughts on some of the greatest and most important vampire books written, as well as those lesser known but historically important pieces.
The Blood Drinking Corpse (1679)
The Isle of Blood (1768)
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa (1805-15)
The Vampyre (1819)
The Black Vampyre: A Legend of Saint Domingo (1819)
The Vampire Lord Ruthwen (1820)
Smarra or the Demons of the Night (1821)
Wake Not the Dead (1823)
The Virgin Vampire (1824)
Pepopukin in Corsica (1826)
Der Vampyr (1835)
Viy (1835)
la Morte Amoureuse (1836)
"The Wood Devil; or, the vampire pirate of the deep dell" (1836)
The Fall of the House of Usher (1839)
Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter (1839)
the Family of the Vourdalak (1843)
The Count of Monte Cristo (1844)
The Mysterious Stranger (1844/1853)
The Vampire of Vourla (1845)
Varney the Vampire (1845-1847)
The Bruxa: a legend of Portugal (1846)
Wuthering Heights (1847)
The Pale Lady (1849)
The Mysterious Lodger (1850)
The Vampyre Bride (1850)
The Immortal Woman (1852)
The Vampire and the Devil's Son (1852)
The Vampires of London (1852)
the Vampire Countess (1856)
Knightshade (1860 - serialisation)
The Vampire of the Val-de-Grace (1861)
Phantoms (1863)
the Vampire; or, Pedro Pacheco and the Bruxa (1863)
The Police Agent (1867)
The Vampire Cat of Nabéshima (1871)
Carmilla (1871 as serial)
the Fate of Madame Cabanel (1873)
Vampire City (1875)
Captain Vampire (1879)
After 90 Years (1880)
Margery of Quether (1884)
Manor (1885)
The Vampire; or, Detective Brand's Greatest Case (1885)
A Mystery of the Campagna (1887)
Olalla (1887)
Là-Bas (1891)
The Death of Halpin Frayser (1891)
Castle of the Carpathians (1893)
The Last of the Vampires (1893)
The Crimson Weaver (1895)
Good Lady Duncayne (1896)
Blood of the Vampire (1897)
Dracula (1897)
Dracula: or the Undead - a Play in Prologue and 5 Acts (1897)
the Story of Baelbrow (1898)
Powers of Darkness (Swedish 1899)
Powers of Darkness (Icelandic 1900)
the Tomb of Sarah(1900)
Graour the Monster (1903)
Count Magnus (1904)
The House of the Vampire (1907)
A Fool There Was (1909)
Lady of the Shroud (1909)
Dracula: the Vampire Play (1924/1927)
Dracula in Istanbul (1928)
I am Legend (1954)
Interesting Shorts
These are not actually reviews but are my thoughts on some of the more genre interesting short stories.
The Antimacassar (Guest Blog)
A shave and a Haircut, Two Bites
The Black Vampyre: A Legend of Saint Domingo
The Blood Drinking Corpse
Count Magnus
The Death of Halpin Frayser
the Family of the Vourdalak
Fashion Model
the Fate of Madame Cabanel
The Girl With Hungry Eyes
Good Lady Duncan
Graour the Monster
The Hills of the Dead
The Lady and the Peddler
The Last of the Vampries
The Making of Marea
Margery of Quether
la Morte Amoureuse
The Mysterious Stranger
The Mystery of the Haunted House
Nosferatu a Winter’s Tale
No such thing as a Vampire
Pepopukin in Corsica
The Shunned House
The Skeleton Count, or, the Vampire Mistress
the Story of Baelbrow
Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter
the Tomb of Sarah
The Vampire (Jan Naruda)
The Vampire Cat of Nabéshima
the Vampire; or, Pedro Pacheco and the Bruxa
Vampyre Theatre
Wake Not the Dead
The Young Vampire