Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Honourable Mention: Dead by Midnight (Y2Kill)

This is a portmanteau film with the wraparound being the broadcast of the shorts themselves from Hell, or so it seemed. None of the shorts are vampire related but as well as the shorts there are also commercials that have been created. The one that interests us is credited as Mayoral Bloodsucker and was directed by Jenna Kanell.

The advert is for a vampire, named Jerri Dandridge (Hannah Alline), and is an election campaign advertisement. The vampire is, of course, a Republican and is, of course, named for the vampire in Fright Night. The short is very short and there isn’t much else to tell, just a fleeting visitation of the toothsome kind.

from the advert

The imdb page is here.

On DVD @ Amazon US

On DVD @ Amazon UK

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