Saturday, August 22, 2009

Honourable Mention: Salomè


The play by Oscar Wilde, Salome, was first published in French in 1891 and then again in English in 1894 and his treatment of the biblical story has been used several times by various artists and filmmakers.

No version could be deemed so strange, psychedelic and down right experimental as the Carmelo Bene 1972 treatment of the film, which has animated camels threading themselves through the eye of a needle, naked bottoms paddled by feathered devices and a man slicing watermelons with a sword to name but a little of the strangeness we uncover just as the film opens.

Franco Leo as Cristo-vampiroWe also see a last supper scene (near the start of the film) in which the Christ figure (Franco Leo) declares that one of them will betray him and all the disciples clamour to take the pieces of silver. This Christ figure is a vampire, his mouth filled with fangs. You might say that just having the fangs is a stretch – though the portrayal of Christ as a vampire has been done in several works of fiction – however the credits even name him Cristo-vampiro. The figure appears through the film, lurking about.

the film is incredibly surrealA most definitively strange fleeting visitation of a vampire within a film, but nonetheless worthy of an honourable mention.

The imdb page is here.

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