Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Honourable Mention: Rick and Morty: One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty

It is an absolute pleasure to be able to feature more Rick and Morty on TMtV (I previously looked at the episode Big Trouble in Little Sanchez). The show has to be one of the edgiest and smart programmes out there and this episode from 2019’s Season 4, directed by Bryan Newton, is up there with the best.

The episode is a riff on the heist genre and to try and explain the multi-layered twisting humour would be to do it an absolute disservice. Suffice it to say that the universe’s smartest man, Rick Sanchez (Justin Roiland) and his grandson Morty (Justin Roiland) pull a (short lived) heist crew together.

So why the mention. Due to the fact that one of the crew is Truckula… absolutely and unashamedly a riff on Dracula. We see his truck bite another vehicle and we see him walk into Heistcon with the rest of his crew and, other than a twist walk on later, that is about it. No real vampire action but a pair of fangs and a mention here for Rick and Morty.

The imdb page is here.

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