Sunday, December 25, 2011

Honourable Mention and a Christmas Indulgence

Merry Christmas one and all from Taliesin Meets the Vampires. I’ve just sat down to watch one of the greatest comedy/road trip movies ever constructed by the Film Industry – the Cannonball Run. A plethora of stars and silliness (and, unfortunately, different subtitles from the old VHS, for Jackie Chan’s bits, on the UK DVD – but that can’t be helped).

But why the honourable mention? It is a bit of an indulgence on my part as there is no vampire in the film but you might recall the Doctor that Victor (Dom DeLuise) secures for the ambulance that he and JJ (Burt Reynolds) take on the race. Well his name was Doctor Nikolas Van Helsing (Jack Elam).
An absolute indulgence on my part, but hey, it’s my blog… J …. Anyway, have a great day, may you and your loved ones be safe and less spurious programming will recommence after the holidays.

The Imdb page can be found here.

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