Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Honourable Mention: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century:1969

Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neil return with the next part of the adventures of the League… ish… The book centres on Mina, Quartermain and Orlando, the league is disbanded, they are now freelance and, as you can tell from the cover, we are now in the psychedlia of the 1960s (with a coda as punk explodes in the next decade).

I have looked at all the LXG graphics, even though – unlike the film – Mina was not a vampire but the survivor of a vampire attack and, of course, a main character in Dracula.

In this we get confirmation that her eternal life and youth have not been passed through the vampire’s curse but she did, indeed, enter the same fountain of youth used by Orlando and Quartermain. The edition also continues their struggle against Haddo (or Aleister Crowley, to you and I).

We do actually get a vampiric (and crap bat) moment in this edition when bats are released at a concert and Mina, on the equivalent of LSD, sees them as a flock of human faced vampire bats representing Dracula. The end, despite the colourful cover, is very dour but we have clues within as to where the LXG universe might go next.

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