Friday, July 06, 2007

Coming up: Subspecies Season

box set

I have previously reviewed the film Decadent Evil, which is tied into the Subspecies series of films by dint of ripping 10 minutes of the movie Vampire Journals (a Subspecies spin off) into its introduction.

I have also owned, but as of yet not reviewed, Vampire Journals for quite some time. However, I have not had the Subspecies films… until now. I recently purchased the Subspecies box set, which contains all four films and Vampire Journals and so… coming up on Taliesin Meets the Vampires we are to have a Subspecies season where I look at the films in the series.

The season starts tomorrow with the movie Subspecies, but if you can’t wait a day then – in a complete moment of synchronicity – Phelpster over at the Manchester Morgue has just posted the Subspecies Soundtrack.

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