Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New vampire blog and a new film

Just came across a new vampire news blog called Vamp News which is worth checking out.

Interestingly they have mentioned a new vampire film, “Desert of Blood” based on the 1959 old west movie “Curse of the Undead.”

A homepage, with synopsis and trailer, is here.


Mark said...

Unrelated to this post, but something I wanted to pass on to you:

I recently watched a film that would be great for your Vamp or Not feature. It's 1935's Condemned to Live.

If you ever get a chance to see it (it happened to be on a cheap horror DVD collection someone bought me recently) check it out. It's by no means a great movie, but the Vamp question begs to be answered.

You can read more about the movie by clicking here.

Anonymous said...

Woah, I was just thinking about that movie, I actually came here hoping taliesin had reviewed it already.

Mark said...

How very strange. Now you have to see it, Taliesin.


Taliesin_ttlg said...

Not a movie I've seen to be honest but having had a scan of a fairly impressive vampire filmography that Leila produced it is listed. (Incidentally, if you email Leila is normally very sweet about mailing the filmography out)

As you both mentioned I can do no less than keep my eye out for the film - no telling how long it'll take to find, however.