Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Honourable Mention: Monster Carnival: A Comics Anthology

An anthology graphic novel, with a wraparound of the contents being stories told by the monster carnival, this was first published in 2019. It contains several strips by different writers and the one in it that interests us is Noch Zverya both drawn and written by Maegan Cook.

It takes place at the Blood Moon Ball, thrown by Count Vassilkovich and he presents his new bride Anisya with a young man named Thomas, with whom she is to dance – and more than that, as at midnight she will feed from him, her first vampiric meal. Unfortunately, Thomas recognises her as they had been orphans together – though she was not blind then. She wants to warn Thomas, but midnight strikes and her compliance is expected, plus her feed will restore her sight.

It's a very short tale, no more than a fleeting visitation in the volume hence the honourable mention, and, if I’m honest, I didn’t care for the artwork – it just wasn’t a style I responded to. The story comes across as more a character backstory for a wider piece, as this is told from her point of view centuries later, and in that sense it works. It is, however, the sole vampire story in the set. I do have to say my favourite story in the collection was Brandon Whipple’s A Midsummer Tale, which was a refreshingly new take on werewolves with marvellous art.

In Paperback @ Amazon US

In Paperback @ Amazon UK

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