Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Short Film: Vamp

A short film directed by Denise Castro from 2015, this was an extra on the Salvación DVD and was a little familiar.

It tells the story of Vamp (Liliana Pérez, Salvación), a female vampire and her lover Vlad (Àlex Batllori), who live on a planet where the rivers are blood – thus feeding their hunger. Unfortunately there was a cosmic event (star into planet), which destroyed their home world.

Very few escaped the planet and Vamp and Vlad were in a spaceship that fed them the blood they needed but when that blood ran out it bee-lined to the first semi-habitable planet. Crashlanding the pair look for a means to survive but hunger forces Vlad to sacrifice himself and then, just before he does, further forces him to attack Vamp and they begin to fight each other for survival.

Liliana Pérez as Vamp

If the story seems a tad familiar it is essentially a Vampirella fan film. Her name shortened (I assume for copyright reasons) and the familiar red outfit swapped out for a black one. To be fair it is fluff, but it is fun fluff – perhaps a proof of concept to angle for a Vampirella film gig, perhaps just constructed because Castro is a vampire fan (clearly) and, one assumes, a Vampirella fan.

The imdb page is here.

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