Saturday, October 21, 2023

Honourable Mention: Fables for the Witching Hour: Vol 1

This was a portmanteau film from 2023 and the wraparound section was directed by Minh Collins. It is this section that interests us, as none of the segments featured a vampire. Indeed, they were all a little more Tales of the Unexpected than Horror segments, if I’m honest.

The wraparound sees lab worker/scientist Tina (Madison Willow) staying late at work as she had these stories to bring us. Her co-worker, Layla (Lorren Cackowski), warns her not to stay too late and to be careful going home – she’s leaving for a hot date.

blood from the fridge

As the stories progress, we see brief moments of Tina beginning to freak out as she suspects someone is in the building with her. She eventually calls Layla who leaves her bed to take the call. The call fails, Tina sees… the janitor... and Layla goes to the fridge to get a drink and she retrieves a glass with a thick red liquid. The camera returns to the bed and her beau has two punctures on his neck… And that’s it, Layla is a vampire and it is a fleeting visitation.

The imdb page is here.

On Demand @ Amazon US

On Demand @ Amazon UK

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