Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Honourable Mention: Rick and Morty: Full Meta Jackrick

Another Rick and Morty season, another fleeting visitation of a vampire. This is episode 7 of season 6, airing first in 2022 and directed by Lucas Gray and Wesley Archer, and is a full-on meta exploration with Rick and Morty (both voiced by Justin Roiland) attacked by Previously Leon a parasitic creature from the Meta Reality. Escaping his venomous influence they chase him through the fourth wall into the Metaverse.

During the episode we do get a constructed moment where Jesus (Christopher Meloni) faces his “previously on” and we see him, for a moment, battling Dracula. And that is it, a truly fleeting visitation yet again.

The episode's imdb page is here.

Dracula Vs Jesus

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