Sunday, July 14, 2024

Use of Tropes: The United States of Horror: Chapter 2

The second part of anthology series the United States of Horror, released in 2022, sees a segment from director Miceal Og O'Donnell entitled The Star in the Mirror.

Set in the 50s this sees a record promoter (Emmy Harrington) going to the house of a date (Jake McMichael) to pick him up – against her better judgement. Her judgement is spot on as, rather than a genuine date, he is a musician trying to get her to promote him and, when she responds badly to the coercion drugs, he binds her.

in the tree

At the start of the segment we have seen an elf (Vera Takemoto) with fangs, who seems to be in (or within) the sitcom playing on TV. We see her crawl out, into our world, taking on colour and as she watches from within the branches of the Christmas tree she suggests “greedy boys go in my belly". It is the fangs and the consuming of the naughty list that leads me to identify a trope in this. It should be remembered that the darker side of Christmas folklore sees vampiric creatures such as the Tomtin preying on the naughty and this fits in with that.

The imdb page is here.

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