
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tales from the Void – review

Director: James Szymkow-McKenney

Release date: 2023

Contains spoilers

An anthology film hosted by Lord John T. Laing (Johnny Laing), which contains three shorts – by the looks of it produced for the film and certainly all directed by James Szymkow-McKenney. The first entry is about a soul eater, according to the intertitle on screen, but I saw little to evidence that and it is more like an undead (possibly spectral) antagonist unable to rest till he kills all of the bloodline of his murderer.

The episode we are actually interested in is Date Night and whilst competent enough it is a very short film with a simplistic story (and whilst I am spoiling the twist it really wasn’t much of a shock).

Nancy and Helen

So (and I hope I get the names/actresses the right way round), Helen (Kathryn Andrea) is helping Nancy (Alexandra Levine) prep for a date – the first in some time apparently. It is with David (Michael Miller) a new IT guy at work. There are warning comments about creepy men but she is sure he isn’t one. They go off on their date – a note there was an over reliance on a camera filter though the bar section.

Nancy and Helen

They are walking after the bar and David’s phone goes. He slopes off to take the call but. Whilst she is looking away he comes up behind Nancy with a knife in his hand and stabs her. He is disappointed that she soon has died, he likes to watch the light go out in their eyes. Of course, vampires are already dead but they don’t let a little thing like that stop them…

vamp out

Very short and competent, other than the mentioned filters, this is a brief vampiric sojourn but it doesn’t do anything overly special either. Alexandra Levine looks fab with fangs but score wise it really doesn’t set the world on fire. Remembering I only score for the vampire section I am struggling. 4 out of 10 seems high for a blink and you miss it, competently shot (but nothing special) short with the flimsiest of stories but any less feels churlish.

The imdb page is here.

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