
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Honourable Mention: Lisa's New Nightmares

This is a straight to video vanity project directed by low budget director Todd Jason Cook and featuring his then wife Lisa Cook (now Lisa DeWild) and released in 1994. Lisa starred in many of her husband’s low budget vehicles and the Lisa’s Nightmares were a series of short horror films based on her and (for the most part) shot in their house. This was the second film and many of the story ideas were provided by fans.

As well as a strange interlude, given the concept’s conceit, where Lisa shows as POV round her house and chats to the camera, the majority of stories featured little to no sfx; a mask, fake blood and at one point a stake. There were fangs in one of the vampire bits but for the most part fangs were forgotten as it was a new breed of vampire. There were three vampire bits (plus a scene of her reading Interview with the Vampire). The idea behind the conceit is that Lisa has fallen asleep in a bubble bath and the scenes are her dreams.

fangs on show

The first vampire bit sees her sat naked on a bed, strategically angled not to show anything untoward even though nudity is not avoided through many of the scenes, and chatting to camera. This is Lisa suggesting that she is a vampire – the new breed mentioned – but she assures the camera she won’t attack and her fangs only appear when she is going to strike. They do appear at the end and are a twisted maw of fangs.


The second has her again speaking to camera and telling the camera about attacking and drinking David (in fact she was so into his taste that she ate him as well as drink him). He had a sweet tooth and this translated into sweet blood. The final one has her musing on 500 years of getting away with murder when a hunter enters and stakes her. She is paralysed on the floor and beseeches the camera (which again serves as pov) to take it out and she’ll grant eternal life. When the stake is removed, she lunges forward.

This really sums up the three sections. There is little more to say and I am classing them as fleeting visitations. The imdb page is here.

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