
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Honourable Mention: Rick and Morty: Rickfending Your Mort

Another Honourable Mention for Rick (Ian Cardoni) and Morty (Harry Belden), this time from Season 7. Previously we have looked at the episodes Big Trouble in Little SanchezOne Crew Over the Crewcoo’s Morty, and Full Metal Jackrick and all had fleeting visitations, the first one not even showing a vampire, rather referring to the vampire action off-screen.

This time round we get a fleeting visitation but with a view of both vampires and a famous vampire hunter.

dressed like Blade

The episode sees Rick in a (drunken) funk, not wanting to go on adventures. Morty plays his adventure cards (stamped every time they have an adventure, a full card allows Morty to pick an adventure). Rick is doubtful about the validity of the stamps and brings an entity, the Observer (Ryan Hansen), to audit the claims. This doesn’t work out as the pair resent their lives dissolving down to a clip show but, before that point, we see an adventure in a world suffering from a vampire apocalypse.

Kris Kristofferson as Whistler

Dressed awfully like Blade, the pair dodge the vampires by heading into a lockup where Whistler (actually voiced by Kris Kristofferson) is holed up. Whistler starts to show them his multipurpose anti-vampire gun as the vampires press against the windows. Rick and Morty soon become bored and portal out of there just as the glass cracks and breaks giving the vampires entry…

And that’s it, another fleeting vampire visitation – but also a visitation by Whistler. The imdb page is here.

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