
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Gore Whore – review

Director: Hugh Gallagher

Release date: 1994

Contains spoilers

Shot on, and straight to, video, Gore Whore is a low to no budget flick that I have had ghosting around for a long, long time but never got around to reviewing. It is ostensibly a zombie flick, which owes some of its beats to Reanimator, but the titular Gore Whore is definitely a vampire – though one created by science.

The film begins with a John (John McLaughlin) returning to Dawn’s (Audrey Street) home. He cracks wise that as she has her own place, he should get a discount (as she has less overheads). Ignoring him, she dances, strips and then handcuffs him to the bed. He says that, before she goes on, she should use the condom in his pocket but she doesn’t think that will work as she goes down and bites *it* off. She then tears his throat out with her teeth.

Brady Debussey as Chase

Chase (Brady Debussey) is doing his best barfly impression, all the time thinking of his deceased lover. He was a cop, but now he’s a dead-beat private eye. He is met by Witman (Paul Woodard) who says he wants him to follow a woman – his ex-lab assistant, who has stolen his notes, research paper and formula. He knows where she’ll be, he suggests – which does sound ropey to Chase but the $10k now and another $10k on retrieval of the research puts that at ease.


He waits for Dawn (for that is who he has been sent after) and sees her go into a house to ply the oldest trade with a female client (Jennifer McLean) and leaves before she attacks the woman. He goes to her place and can’t find the research but he does find blood in the fridge, “a lesbian lab assistant who drinks blood” he muses – though the leap of faith from having blood in the fridge to her drinking it is a bit of a stretch, especially at that speed. He then goes to the police station to get info and discovers that Dawn apparently died six months before, her uncollected body given away to medical research.

Chase Vs Zombie

Chase follows her to a cemetery, where she retrieves a brief case from a grave, strips, attached a dildo to a syringe and vaginally administers some green goop. After she’s left, almost alerted to him by his clumsiness, he retrieves the case but hands grab him from the grave and a zombie attacks from behind. So, what’s going on? Well, Witman created a reanimation formula, used it on Dawn’s body and then used her as a sex slave until she escaped with his research. The formula isn’t perfect though. She has to drink blood and readminister the formula daily.

Audrey Street as Dawn

Strangely, when used on other corpses they become zombies, which she seems to be able to control. This isn’t a freshness of the body issue as the John from the beginning is turned into a zombie – able to function with his head and body detached from each other. When Witman finally gives Chase the explanation of what has happened, the PI does retort that the scientist made a vampire. There isn’t much else in the way of lore.

licking blood

The film is poor, make no mistake. The direction is rubbish, the lighting non-existent, the transfer is atrocious and the effects – well the fact that the transfer is so bad makes them not seem as bad as they might. The acting is amateur and there is gratuitous nudity for the sake of it, it seems (stripping naked in a cemetery to apply a gloop filled vaginal enema underlines the gratuitousness). The nudity is not just female – though the male members are mostly false and (with gore included) detachable. Yet there is a primitive charm despite itself. It is not a great film, but that little bit of something pushes the score to a massive (for this) 2.5 out of 10.

The imdb page is here.

On DVD @ Amazon US

On DVD @ Amazon UK

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