
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Honourable Mention: Girls Gone Gangsta

Released in 2007 and directed by John & Joseph Swider, the core part of this film wouldn’t so much as ping the radar for TMtV. It is the tale of three ladies who are the daughters of a legendary assassin and who get drawn into a violent confrontation with the various gangs associated with head honcho baddie Von Drago (Joseph Swider) after the latter decides he is purchasing their garage, whether they like it or not, as part of his planned casino development.

It mixes action with surrealness (he hires a troupe of clown henchmen at one point) and a performance by Joseph Swider who really does channel his inner Nicolas Cage. At no point in the proceedings, however, do we get anything resembling vampires – so why the mention?


Well, it’s the opening of the film, where we get Mortimer J Hamm (John Goodman), a self-proclaimed vampire hunter running an infomercial selling vampire hunting material. Another part of the same infomercial appears within film and we get a moment in the end credits. Why? Its not clear, one character does watch it and there is a brief discussion dialogue around it but it means nothing to the full film – though as mentioned there is a surrealism that this does fit into. And that’s it, a fleeting visitation of John Goodman as a vampire hunter.

The imdb page is here.

On Demand @ Amazon US


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I saw this movie based on your recommendation. Whoa daddy! I think the blood was another character. Surreal AF. Funny and totally ridiculous! Maybe it was because I was high to bejuesus, but that only made the experience better when an attacking clown was sliced in half by a hot woman with a katana. As for the vampires, I got the impression that they inhabit Neon City, which is why Goodman is selling vampire killing relics, we just haven't seen them as this film follows the other bizarre goings on there. I want 2 thing: to see the vampires if there is a sequel, and I want some of those relics sold by Mortimer J Hamm!!

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  4. Hi, Who's Your Daddy. Just a note, comments are subject to moderation, hence not posting straightaway.

    Glad you got something out of this, I'll never turn down the chance for more vampires so, who knows, perhaps the filmmakers will make a sequel.
