
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Honourable Mention: The Freakshow Apocalypse: The Unholy Sideshow

From director Matthew Broomfield this 2007 film is described as the first two parts in a four-part miniseries. I can’t spot the denouement film and so hope it was never done because this is really quite a bad film. The basic story is that there is a secret society, the Order of Mystery, who used necromancy to extend their lives and this practice opened doorways that they had to close every few centuries with ritual sacrifice.

There is also a circus troupe (the extreme circus stuff, all played, from what I can tell, by actual performers) called the Unholy Sideshow who want to get into the Order but this is being blocked because their magic using member is in a feud with an Order member.

biting a wrist

They do a show, kidnap most of the audience and this then leads us into torture porn territory. One of the audience members not kidnapped is down to be the sacrifice. The film’s intertitles suggest that they absorb the victims’ life force – which could be said to be energy vampirism. However the reason for the mention is a member of the Order of Mystery who has fangs, bites a wrist, sucks the blood and then spits it into a goblet for the order to drink from. He is our vampire, but his appearance is fleeting (including one when the zombie apocalypse has started and we see him bite another wrist). Avoid.

The imdb page is here.

On Demand @ Amazon US

On Demand @ Amazon UK

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