
Sunday, November 13, 2022

Honourable Mention: The Damned: A Night of a Thousand Vampires

Now I do like a bit of the Damned, and having seen them a few times I can honestly say they've always put on a good show. That said I have not seen them put on a show like the recent 2022 release of a pre-pandemic concert, dubbed a Night of a Thousand Vampires.

The set list was dominated by tracks that were orientated to either vampires (like The Dog) or horror generally (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde) as well as a couple of choice covers in the form of Bela Lugosi’s Dead and People are Strange. There is obviously a theme.

the band

But it is the expansive stage show and supporting artists/musicians that add even more to this. Moments of burlesque, alt-circus and Grand Guignol, a string section and solo violinists, acrobats and actors. We get a moment of Lestat and Claudia strolling the stage through The Dog (which is about the child vampire) and we get vocalist Dave Vanian dressed in traditionally Lugosian attire and then changing to a Nosferatu-like visage later.

Vanian as Nosferatu

The whole audience is part of the experience, dressed as vampires as they rock on. This would have been one hell of a show to see, it feels a pity it wasn’t toured (although its elaborate design and cast/musician heavy aspects will have precluded that). Now, however, in a CD/Blu-ray set you can watch the whole show from the comfort of your living room and listen to the tracks at your leisure. An honourable Mention as I don’t review music releases.

On CD/Blu-Ray @ Amazon US

On CD/Blu-Ray @ Amazon UK

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