
Thursday, September 15, 2022

30 days of Night: Run, Alice, Run (volume 3)

Author: Steve Niles

Artwork: Christopher Mitten

First published: 2013 (tpb)

Contains spoilers

The Blurb: Following the death of his beloved Stella, Eben Olemaun has embraced the dark side of vampirism. Armies are being raised and targets being set. All that stands between life and chaos are Alice Blood and a handful of unsuspecting federal agents. The war between the living and the undead has begun!

The review: Following immediately on from where Volume 2 left us, and the devastating attack on the FBI building, this third volume pitches headlong into Eben on a war footing. He has taken control of the American vampires, lured in the European representatives and most of the Agents from the FBI building are turned. Alice has an impossible task, to bring in a monster single-handedly.

To where it takes us, this volume was great. I especially liked the oldest vampire known to exist – a giant of a creature though perhaps it did owe a little to the Master from the Strain - though this was much bigger, by an order of magnitude.

What was more unsatisfying was how the volume ended, simply because it still had story to tell but whilst the series ends here the story continues in a crossover event with Niles’ Criminal Macabre. 6.5 out of 10.

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