
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Short Film: Frenzy 2

This short film, which comes in at just over 11-minutes, is the middle short of three directed by Chris R. Notarile that concentrate on the character Frenzy (Dani Scott) an immortal woman whose inability to die has, evidently, sent her mad. She seeks out that special someone who could end her life.

That is what’s happening at the beginning of the short, as we see her fighting a street thug (Dwight Taylor) who, when he fails to kill her, she murders.

She realises that she has been watched by a woman, Janet (Tess Speranza), and her bodyguard (Paul Anthony Turner) and also realises that the woman is not human. Janet reveals herself as a vampire. She has been following Frenzy’s career over the decades and has come to the conclusion that Frenzy has been cursed – something Frenzy had not actually considered.

Tess Speranza as Janet

Janet has an offer. She wants to take Frenzy and have the curse removed and then transferred to her. She wants to be actually immortal (and has a date with brunch and a suntan). Frenzy is not necessarily convinced but agrees to go with them – the threat of killing them, should Janet fail, hanging above them.

Dani Scott as Frenzy

The Frenzy shorts are good fun. I’m embedding the second one below – after all that is the one concerned with vampires – but if you go to the film’s YouTube page and click onto Blink500’s profile the other two episodes are also available.

The imdb page is here.

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