
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Short Film: V

This 2017 film comes in at just over 10 minutes and, despite the vampire subject matter, I guess it might be classed as in the school of kitchen sink drama. Director Jimmy Dean capturing the life of Minnie (Synnove Karlsen), the vampire of the piece.

It starts with a young woman playing with a plasma ball. The blurb for the film suggests she is sixteen. She goes to a fridge and gets a bottle out and takes a drink and then matter-of-factly discusses the blood she is drinking – managing to spill a drop onto her top. It doesn’t taste any different, she says, it tastes like blood always did - a departure from the vampire trope of it tasting like something divine after turning.

Drinking in the bathroom

Minnie holds a conversation with the camera as she goes about her life – either waiting for nightfall in the flat or out and about. We discover that she does not have fangs and does still have a reflection. Garlic, she says, is surprisingly a thing, the smell making her wretch. Amongst the banality are moments, such as her sat drinking blood in a bloodstained bathrobe with a body visible in the tub. Her story takes us to the moment where her world changed.

Synnove Karlsen as Minnie

There are no startling revelations here, this is a slice of life (or undeath, perhaps), but so well acted by Synnove Karlsen who holds the camera captive. You can see how below.

The imdb page is here.

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