
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Short Film: Slayer

This 2018 Czech film by Dimitri Kanjuka is a 10-minute short that was part of the 2018 Screamfest and, at time of writing, is on YouTube but available in the US and not necessarily in other territories. It is filmed with a nice quality of photography, a nice slice of class and a steampunk mentality.

It starts with quite a stylised opening credit sequence through which we see the eponymous slayer (Jaroslav Picka) preparing for the evening’s hunt.


Out into the night and, after following the sound of slurping, he comes across a vampire (Roman Dvorak) leant over his victim. The vampire is neatly drawn, blood slathered over his face, long hair and an animalistic feel, which contrasts well with the slayer’s steampunk attire. The slayer puts down his lantern with a thump, getting his prey’s attention and produces a pistol and a stake. The vampire lets out a guttural cry…


The cry is answered and soon there are more vampires than you could shake a stick at. However the slayer is not the only vampire hunter either… The short is mostly a well-choreographed fight scene, vampires versus slayer(s) and doesn’t need to be anything more. Of course the question is who will win – mortal or undead?

The imdb page is here.