
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Honourable Mention: Adult Wednesday Addams: Babysitting

Directed by Mike Bernstein and written by and starring Melissa Hunter, Adult Wednesday Addams is a fun web series imagining the adventures of Wednesday as she makes her way through modern life.

Babysitting is the first episode of season 2 and a fortuitous mention of a vampire type allows me to give the series an honourable mention and thus bring it to your attention. Wednesday is babysitting and after playing Barbie (with a blowtorch) she investigates when Rosie, her charge, screams.

Melissa Hunter as Wednesday
Rosie believes there is a monster in the closet and, after discovering that the My Little Pony wasn’t actually the said monster, Wednesday explains that there can’t be a monster in there because there are only three types of closet monsters. After dismissing the first two types Wednesday tells Rosie about the Vudkolak, which she describes as a Slavic undead vampire horse wolf. She also informs Rosie that she is quiet safe as the vudkolak craves the blood of bad people and Rosie is inconsequential! Though perhaps not everyone in the house is…

All the episodes are worth catching and kudos to Melissa Hunter for bringing a little bit of Wednesday back into our lives.

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