You might remember a pair of shorts I reviewed, So Pretty and So Dark.
If not, then please do check out the reviews as I was rather impressed with them.
Anyway, director Al Lougher is looking to make a third film in the series and he has a crowd-sourcing appeal running to that effect via Indiegogo. This is what they had to say: “We want to make a film that will help put us, and our lead vampire Sean, on the map. Specifically, we feel that once we've made our 3rd film in this series we'll be able to grab the attention of either Hollywood, or TV networks so we can continue on with the series and even start shooting our feature film version of So Dark later in the year.” Ambitious stuff.
If you feel you can help then the fundraising goes on for 9 more days and the crowd-sourcing page can be found here.
looks like it got made!
That's the second short film as reviewed, I believe