
Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Bits and Bobs

Just a few little things to mention to y’all. Firstly I’d like to draw attention to the picture adorning this post. Many of you will recognise Karloff in his role as Gorca from the film Black Sabbath. This portrait was actually painted for me by the very talented Mark Williams of Darkside Portraits.

My many thanks Mark.

Secondly, I’d like to draw your attention to The Uranium Café Cult Cinema Club - a new blogging collective started by Bill of The Uranium Café. My first blog for the collective is about the film Ghoul and I couldn’t help but mention vampires.

I will be blogging over there from time to time about none vampire related films, but don’t worry as TMtV will continue as normal.

Finally I also want to mention a blog called Classic Vampires, which sees a welcome return to blogging by Derek Tatum. Well worth checking out.

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