Release Date: 1998
Contains spoilers
This was the documentary that came in the set the Box of Blood and was originally produced for the History Channel.
To be honest it is pretty much fluff, coming in at just over 40 minutes there is not much meat placed upon the bones. It leads with the premise that the legend of the vampire, and the story of Dracula did have a human inspiration – Vlad Draculea. This is just plain wrong. Whilst Stoker took a name, and lifted a passage of text as back history, I would hardly say that this is an inspiration.
Other errors appear. J Gordon Melton must be happy to know that his name is really spelt Gorton. There is an assertion that Stoker’s play of Dracula was a flop because it opened and closed in one night. Certainly Irving thought it dreary but it was never meant to be performed in that form (4 hours in length, from memory) – to copyright a play it had to be performed once and thus it was staged simply to protect Stoker’s asset and was never meant to last more than one performance at that point.
The narration by David Ackroyd was nothing special, but was inoffensive (in style if not content). Not really worth seeking out – there are better documentaries about Draculea the historical person, Dracula the novel, Bram Stoker the person and vampires in general. 3.5 out of 10.
The only imdb page I could find was for a 2000 production, by the same writer (Charlie Ryan) but this version was clearly copyrighted 1998 – and I assume a newer version was produced. The imdb page for the 2000 edition is here.
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