
Friday, December 08, 2006

New Movie: Necroscope.

I’m quietly excited about this one. The Necroscope books by Brian Lumley are excellent, very violent, pulp horror split into the original 5 book Necroscope series, the 3 book Vampire World series, the 2 book Lost Years series and the final 3 book E-Branch series (also known as Necroscope as well).

Allegedly the first book is going to be made into a film but my quiet excitement comes from the depressing thought that it might never see the light of day. The books are rather violent and the cost of producing the effects for the vampires’ polymorphic flesh might be prohibitive. The Official Movie Site doesn’t help, being little more than a placeholder at the moment, each section under construction.

If this does come to pass and it is done well, however, we might have one of the great violent vampire movies on our hands. More news when any emerges…


  1. I also hope that this movie sees the light of day and it as good as the book. I've read all the books, and I'm a HUGE Lumley fan. Here's to the hopes of a good, long awaited vampire movie!

  2. Hi, completely agree - but I really hope they get it right as well, I worry that the Necroscope series would be to easy to get wrong.

  3. Yep. I totally agree fellas.
    I mean they could fuck it up like they did Ghostrider and have Nick Cage be Harry K.
    Dont get me wrong, i like Mr. Cage...but come on....ghostrider blew my hole.
    The hardest part about the necroscope as a movie probably would be to create effects for the mobius continuum. It seems to complicated for Hollywood to handle.
    BUuuuuuuut ill keep my fingers crossed. Ive read every book in the necroscope series and i love em!
    Just got done with "The Touch" last night! MOST EXCELLENT!

  4. obviously, my problem with The Touch was a distinct lack of vampires! lol. That said I did enjoy it

  5. I desagree, I´m a fan of The Necroscope, but I don't want a movie about it, I prefer have only my imagination about all the story.

  6. anonymous: fair point, as there is always the chance they will foul it up... even so I am prepared to take the chance (and then pretend the film doesn't exist if it is rubbish lol)
