
Monday, November 13, 2006

My First Novel

'Tis true. I've self-published my first novel, through and it is available to buy now.

Here's the blurb: "The Concilium Sanguinarius, the Council of Blood who rule the vampires with an iron fist and manipulate the mortal world from the shadows, with a deftness born of the countless centuries.

"In New York, as the millennium moves and the twenty first Century dawns a female vampire, Danaan, feels pangs of loneliness and begins to search the night for a companion. Also in the city is Ymochel, outcast and distrusted, and eager for revenge on the Concilium and, more specifically, Danaan. Theirs is a history that crosses boundless centuries and a myriad taboos, but now their histories converge in the most violent of ways.

"But do they act alone, or is a more sinister power at work? What occurs between them threatens the entire stability of vampire society."

A word of caution: This novel is designed for the mature reader, there are scenes of horror, sex, and sexual violence. If such things offend, then please avoid. Otherwise I hope that folks do have a read and enjoy.

It is available here.


  1. Congratulations. I read the first 10 pages and it sound quite interesting. I'll be buying a copy as soon as I get a chance.

    Let us know how Lulu works out for you. It certainly is great that writers can have an avenue like.

  2. Many thanks Matthew.

    Lulu is a great idea... there is a catch 22 with writing that it seems that you can't get published without a book already published... this gives writers a chance to get their work out.

  3. Very cool! And congratulations!
