
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Honourable Mentions: Creatures of the Night by Rosie Lugosi

I have mentioned Rosie Lugosi a few times on the blog. Rosie was an original member of the 80’s Goth band, the March Violets. Now she is a performance poet and Vampire Queen.

Creatures of the Night is a book of her performance poetry, some her twisted song lyrics (where she self admittedly takes well known songs that people cherish and subverts in ways that make it impossible to hear that song in the same way again) and her poetry.

The reason this gets an Honourable Mention, rather than a review, is because her poetry looks at many aspects of life and is not simply vampire related.

There are some vampire related pieces. “V-a-m-p-i-r-e”, which is performed live to the music of “Respect”, is a great example of Rosie twisting lyrics to her own dark sensibilities. “Why I wear Black #1”, is specifically vampire orientated also. There is a second, non-vampiric, “Why I wear Black”.

The poetry is enjoyable, cleverly constructed and with a strong sense of humour running through the verse. There is often an adult theme and I mention this only because, if such things offend, then perhaps this is not for you.

Personal favourites, and none vampiric, are the sublime “Succubus” and the incredibly funny tribute to John Cooper Clarke, “I Made the Horror Films” (which never scared) – where else will you find reference to Rosemary’s Baby Bouncer, the Wicker Basket Man and the Satanic Kites of Dracula!

The book is available directly through Rosie’s website.

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