
Sunday, October 29, 2006

100 greatest scary moments

Ralphie at the windowLast night Channel 4 (UK) repeated their 100 greatest Scary Moments on their alternative E4 channel- typical Halloween programming that I missed in total last year.

It was nice to see several vampires, a genre not really known for being terrifying as much as I love it, hitting the top 100.

At 90 we had Dracula (1931) - entered for Bela’s performance.

We then jump to 42 and the scene of Ralphie Glick at the window in Salem’s Lot (1979).

At 38 was Nosferatu (1922) and just ahead at 36 was Dracula, Prince of Darkness (1966) - though this entry was more for Christopher Lee as Dracula in total, rather than just the one film.

At 25 was “Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997+)”, though it is a little bit of a cheat mentioning it because it was for the episode ‘Hush’ with the Gentlemen – not actually vampires but a great episode.

The highest vampiric entry was at 24 for the “League of Gentlemen – Christmas Special (2002)”. Again, not solely vampire - though they were in it, this was the Christmas special for a British comedy and one I must admit I have not seen as I was never a huge fan of the series.

Anyway, nice to see vampires getting into a viewer polled list and if you want to check the non-vampire entries click the link at the head of this article.

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