
Monday, August 07, 2006

I am Legend news

According to Upcoming Horror Movies a release date of Late November 2007 has been suggested for I Am Legend.

If your wondering why the still of Vincent Price? It is because I suspect that by December 2007 we will still recognise "The Last Man On Earth" (1964) as the best adaptation of the book produced!

I seriously harbour grave doubts about this project, more when I find out more.


  1. The last casting news with Depp really made this project look bad. I could have lived with some vampires which were more zombie-like, but that doesn't sound like this will be the case. They've taken so many liberties, already, that's I'm fearing they'll do to it what they already did to I, Robot.

  2. I'm trying to be open-minded about the entire project, but I have an uneasy feeling about it, too.

    I do love The Last Man on Earth, though. We'll always have that.
