
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

More I Am Legend rumours?

According to Cinema Blend the collective joy felt by the net over the latest I Am Legend news, ie the inclusion of Mr Depp may not be cause to celebrate.

The article claims that sources close to the production (whatever that means!) have said that:

1. Depp will not play Ben Cortman (the vampire), he's been written out. Loosing one of the main plot lines of the book in the process.

2. That he will play another survivor named Phillip, which destroys all sense regarding the book as the whole point is that Neville is the last human, the legend of the title.

3. That the vampires are to be replaced by animalistic zombies. Not too bad, I guess, as the vampires who died, in the book, where very much like this and whilst some had the facility of speach they were driven by base need (blood) and of lower intelegence - Romero did base the modern zombie genre on them after all. However, at the end of the book we meet the vampires who did not die (intelligent and rebuilding society in their image) and if that is cut the whole point of the book is lost in the movie.

Is it all a horrible rumour? Can this be the fate of the book? Come on Hollywood, we need an official announcement on this.


  1. Ohh, god, another survivor. This is approaching worst case scenario. This is smelling like I, Robot all over again.

  2. Well, if the rumours are true it couldn't get much worse...

    Wait a second, it could, we haven't had the official theme song announcement yet!
